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Developed under the vision that ‘organic textiles will become a significant part of everyday life, enhancing people's lives and the environment’, GOTS is the Global Organic Textile Standard.

Its mission is the development and implementationverificationprotection and promotion of the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS). The standard stipulates requirements throughout the supply chain for both ecological and labour conditions in textile and apparel manufacturing using organically produced raw materials. Organic production is based on a system of farming that maintains and replenishes soil fertility without the use of toxic, persistent pesticides or synthetic fertilisers. In addition, it includes welfare standards for animal husbandry and prohibits genetically modified organisms.

There are strict and binding requirements regarding ecological and social parameters. In doing so, GOTS take into consideration the need for a standard that is practicable for industrial production and appropriate for a wide range of products. Taking both aspects into account, the standard define organic textiles as containing a minimum content of organic fibres, being processed with the least possible environmental impact, under strict controls on natural and synthetic chemical inputs and with respect for labour conditions.

GOTS is a dynamic standard, it continiously foster progress towards the development of better textile processing methods. In this process of continuous improvement, GOTS collaborate with international stakeholders, including the textile and apparel industry, chemical suppliers, organic farming and environmental organisations, workers' rights groups and labour unions. 

The implementation of GOTS reconciles the need of the textile industry for one global standard with consumers' desire for transparency. The increasing worldwide recognition and acceptance of GOTS confirms that these needs are being met.