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Thermal Belt / Heating Pad

The seasons are shifting. Is there a distinct chill in the air? Whether out and about or tucked up in bed, are you thinking about how to keep your baby cozy in colder weather?
A baby’s upset tummy is never any fun for them and for you. When you can tell your little one is dealing with stomach pain, you may feel at a loss for how to help.

Well, here is a great assistance and support for your baby and for yourself. Our naturally warm thermal belt heating pad will not only generate the additional heat you may need for your baby during colder times, but also will help relieve upset stomach, colic and gas pain.

  • Made from all natural materials. Lightweight and gentle.
  • Contains flaxseed. Can be heated in oven or microwave.
  • Washable and durable. You may use over and over again.
  • May increase baby’s sleep quality and consecutively reduce sleep deprivation for the parents.